Demystifying the Colorado Driving Points System


Let’s face it, we’re all human. Even a driver with great intentions is bound to make a mistake. Safe driving is important for numerous reasons but when it comes down to it, we can make errors on the road. When you are found doing so as a driver, the Colorado driving points system comes into play.

Infractions, accidents, violations, and more will add Colorado driving points to your record. This results in a motor vehicle record (MVR) report that can not only cause legal complications but add to the amount you pay for your car insurance premiums.

The Colorado driving point system doesn’t have to be complicated. Basically, the more infractions and negative actions you’re committing and caught for, the worse your record will be. This is why it’s always a great idea to drive safely when on the road.

If you want to make sure you maintain a clean driving record, safe driving can help. Not only are you making the road a better place for everyone, but you’re less likely to get in an accident or receive a ticket in the process.

Below, we’re breaking down Colorado driving record points, how to avoid them, and what you can do to save on auto insurance, even when you make a mistake.


How Many Points To Lose Your License in Colorado?

The Colorado driving points system will provide you with points on your license. These points vary based on infractions but they also vary based on age. It also means that losing your license due to points in the Centennial State will also vary with your age. Here’s point suspensions work in CO:

  • If you are a minor aged 17 and under and receive 6 or more points within any 12-month span, your license will be suspended. Furthermore, if you are under 18 and receive 7+ points at any time, you will also have your license suspended.
  • Drivers between the ages of 18 and 21 with 9+ points within any 12-month period will have their license suspended. The same goes for drivers with 12+ points within a 24-month period. Finally, if you are within this age range and have 14+ points at any given time, your license will be suspended.
  • Adult drivers that are 21 years and older will receive a license suspension in Colorado with 12+ points within a 12-month period or with 18+ points within a 24-month period.


Colorado law has separate point brackets for chauffeurs, defined as individuals employed as professional drivers (e.g., taxi cab drivers). To be eligible for chauffeur points, you must demonstrate that each ticket was received while on the job.

For consideration, bring supporting documents like work records and ticket copies to the hearing. The dates of violation, not conviction, are used to assess the total points within a specific timeframe. Here are how license suspensions work if you are a chauffeur:

  • 16+ points within any 12-month period
  • 24+ points within any 24-month period
  • 28+ points within any 48-month period


Regardless of how you qualify, your license will be suspended without discretion if sufficient points are accumulated. The maximum suspension period is one year. The length of suspension depends on aggravating and mitigating factors in your driving history.

A probationary driver’s license (PDL) may be considered during the suspension hearing but is not guaranteed. If granted, the PDL is only valid for specific reasons like work or school within Colorado.

A second PDL is harder to obtain if you have a prior PDL. Any moving violation ticket while on a PDL will cancel your driving privileges. After the suspension period, reinstatement is required, even if a PDL was granted.


The Highest Driving Point in Colorado

There are several infractions that can lay claim to the highest driving point in Colorado. In total, the most points you can receive is 12 points, however, when operating in such a manner, you’ll often find that you will have points added for multiple reasons.

For example, if you are speeding at high speeds, not only will you receive points on your license for the speed you were traveling, but you’ll also have points added because of reckless driving. It’s a double whammy everyone should avoid. Here are the violations that hurt drivers the most:

  • DUIs
  • Evading police
  • Fleeing the scene of an accident
  • Traveling 40+ mph above the speed limit


If you go slightly over the speed limit or get in a small accident, chances are, you will have serious consequences to face, but nothing you can’t handle with the right auto policy. However, more extreme incidents will involve potential severe legal action, fines, the suspension of your license, and more.


How Many Points Is a Speeding Ticket in Colorado?

Colorado law allows for a point suspension of licenses for drivers who surpass a certain point threshold due to traffic violations. Points are assigned to a driver’s license for each traffic citation received. Exceeding the threshold within a specific time frame can lead to license suspension.

The number of points required for suspension and the accumulation periods depend on the driver’s age. They also depend on the infraction in question. Here’s how the Colorado driving points system counts speeding violations, in accordance with Section 42‑2‑127 (5)(f), C.R.S., and with regards to traveling over either reasonable speed or when traveling over 75 mph:

  • If you are going no more than 4 mph, you’ll receive 0 points, even if you do get a ticket.
  • Between 5 and 9 mph will result in 1 point.
  • Between 10 and 19 mph is 4 points.
  • Between 20 and 39 mph will add 6 points. It’s worth noting that once you reach 25 mph and above, you will also be considered to be charged with reckless driving. If found guilty, you will face fines and jail time.
  • If you are traveling 40 mph, you’ll receive 12 points.
  • Any time you are driving at a speed that isn’t deemed to be reasonable or prudent because of the conditions present on the road, you can also receive 3 points.


How Many Points Is a Careless Driving Ticket in Colorado?

Reckless driving Colorado points equate to 4 in total. The penalty for careless driving Colorado points will be added to your license even if you aren’t in an accident if you are found guilty. Additionally, more penalties can follow should there be an accident. Further still, harsher penalties are applied if there are injuries or death.

For those that are dealing with a careless driving ticket and Colorado points on their license but have caused an accident, the following applies in addition to the penalty to your driving record:

  • If there is no injury or death, you may go to jail for as long as 90 days and face a fine of as much as $300. This is a class 2 misdemeanor.
  • Should serious injury or death occur to another party, including passengers but not to you, you’ll have a class 1 misdemeanor and face as much as a year in jail and/or fines as high as $1,000.
  • If there is a death occurs, you’ll also face 12 points on your driving license along with a year’s suspension of your license.


In the event of a car accident that is severe and causes injury and/or death, an investigation may take place. If during this time it is found that you are suspected of vehicular assault, you’ll be charged. This is considered a class 4 or 5 felony depending on the nature of the accident.

Furthermore, if the accident caused a death, you may be charged with either a class 3 or class 4 felony, again, depending on the circumstances.


Save Money on Auto Coverage Despite the Colorado Driving Points System


Having auto insurance in Colorado is non-negotiable. The risk that comes with going without liability coverage is severe when it comes to your finances and legal issues, but if you have points on your license, premiums are going to be higher. This can discourage drivers from even getting coverage, leading to further complications down the line.

The reason that having points on your license raises your rates is that insurance carriers look at risk. If you are known to engage in risky driving habits, auto carriers are going to take this into consideration and knock you for it. But there are viable options for affordable coverage available.

Driving safely, obeying the rules, and being courteous on the road will go a long way. But if you have had issues in the past, it doesn’t mean you should go without affordable coverage. In fact, going without coverage isn’t just risky, but will also add to an increased premium when you sign up again.

Staying covered with a car insurance policy is required by law and the right there to do. Here at Freedom Insurance Group, we work with many different top-rated carriers that can help you save through accident forgiveness, comparing rates, discounts, and more.

The Colorado driving points system can feel like a difficult system to navigate, but it doesn’t have to. You can still save money, protect yourself legally, and protect your finances without overpaying. Get an auto insurance quote today or contact our agents to see how we help clients save an average of 40% on their coverage.

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Freedom Insurance Group
3861 Long Prairie Rd Ste 110
Flower Mound, TX 75028
Phone: (972) 798-3769


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